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Supervised Occupational Experience Program (SOEP)

SUPERVISED OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE PROGRAM (SOEP) Grades: 11, 12; 1 Term, Only by teacher approval. Ability = All
This course is set up to give students a chance to develop and apply skills needed to enter the workplace in any field related to agriculture. Students will spend time in class researching careers of interest to the student as well as post secondary program requirements for areas that they may be interested in. Time will be spent in class developing student resumes, writing letters of application to prospective employers, and understanding proper work conduct on the job. Students will then have a chance to work in an actual job or do some jobs shadowing work with a cooperating employer or business in the community. Work stations will be arranged to best fit the needs of the students. Student will not be allowed to work in home farm or family businesses. Students will assemble their own portfolios which will contain work hours, income and expenses, and employer evaluation forms from this work experience. Instructor approval is needed to register for this class. Students may enroll in this course for only one term.

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