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I.S.D. #51 Foley Public Schools Mission Statement and District Goals

Mission Statement
The mission of the Foley Public Schools is to bring together students, parents, staff, and community to provide a quality education with an emphasis on developing the full potential of the individual.
The following sets of goal statements are to be considered educational principles to guide practice, planning, and policy at Foley Public Schools. The School Board reserves the right to emphasize specific goals for a given time frame or to develop specific goals that are a combination of these principles and specific conditions.
In order to achieve this mission, Independent School District No. 51 has adopted the following educational goals, applicable to students of all ages:

District Goals 2021-22

Goal 1:  Through alignment of programs and services, recover student learning and experiences to pre-pandemic levels as measured by MCA, ACT, FAST
  1. Ensure alignment of all programs and services
    1. Standards aligned instruction
    2. Standards based reporting
    3. Frequent formative assessments to inform instruction
    4. Provide activities in a coordinated, aligned manner
      1. Data informed decisions will be celebrated
      2. Progression of skills will be utilized and communicated​​​​​​
  2. Teach vocabulary per the Depth of Knowledge (DOK) appropriate levels
  3. Provide Access to Intervention Programming
    1. FHS will implement daily flex time
    2. FHS will provide pre-teaching and re-teaching opportunities
    3. K-8 will utilize .5 FTE Mathematics Intervention
    4. K-8 will utilize 3.0 FTE Reading Intervention (2.0 FTE FES/ 1.0 FTE FIS)
      1. Reading Corps will support reading efforts at FES
Goal 2:  Students will have an understanding and functional utilization of core values of respect, kindness, and support.
  1. Foley Public Schools will support students through implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)
    1. FIS staff will receive training in PBIS
    2. FES staff will receive training in PBIS
    3. Both FES and FIS staff will monitor student behavior and report out monthly to staff
    4. Both FES and FIS will implement a system of positive reinforcers for students displaying age appropriate conduct
    5. Both FES and FIS staff will have a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities regarding student conduct
      1. FES and FIS will develop a matrix to assist staff in knowing the difference between minor and major student misconduct
    6. FHS students will be prepared to demonstrate understanding in practice of Core Values of respect, kindness, and support
      1. FHS staff and students will develop a measurable way to report each students level of understanding of these values
      2. Student understanding of respect, kindness and support will be measured through attendance rate, discipline events, and ongoing survey data
Goal 3:  Continue to explore ways to operate more efficiently and effectively
  1. Explore software platform that will allow for enhanced communication and streamlined requests for assistance
  2. Evaluate our security systems to determine if we have redundancies or are in need of better coordination, ease of use, and efficiency of use